Linking the Church and Bible Translation: How UBS's TIPs Tool Can Raise Interest and Give Back

Translation Insights & Perspectives or TIPs ( is a tool that has been built and curated for the last 8 years under the auspices of UBS, with representation of WGA, SIL, PBT, and LBT on its board. It presents data from Bible translations that show examples of how translators for other languages selected to translate a given concept or passage while at the same time enriching the biblical text in ways that are unique to their languages. Its target audience are Bible translation experts who are engaged with active Bible translations as well as Bible readers and researchers who do not have any specific expertise in linguistics or translation.

By simultaneously reaching out to both of these audiences and at the same time giving the church a tool that makes her appreciate and embrace the global Bible translation movement, it presents a unique opportunity of outreach and bridge-building.

The speaker will introduce the tool and show how both audiences are met and is eager to learn from ideas that the audience might have to further promote and improve the tool.

Jost Zetzsche

Jost Zetzsche earned a Ph.D. for a dissertation on the history of Chinese Bible translation at the University of Hamburg in 1996. Since 2016 he's been contracting with United Bible Societies to help create and maintain the Translation Insights and Perspectives (TIPs) tool at


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