• Theme

    “Quality” is an important aspect of Bible translations produced at home and abroad. The end users of a Bible translation usually have certain expectations regarding the quality, style, and presentation of the translation that is being produced. In meaning-based Bible translation, the main qualities of good translations are often described in terms of Accuracy, Clarity, Naturalness, and Acceptability (or: Appropriateness). But these are not the only qualities that Bible translators take into consideration. Some other qualities that may (or may not) be taken into account are the following: Concordance / consistency, poetic diction, fluency / readability, oral communication style, compatibility in form and meaning with the most prestigious Bible translation in the national language, etc.

  • Featured Speakers

    Dr. Andy Warren-Rothlin of United Bible Societies

    Dr. Tshokolo Makutoane of University of the Free State

    Dr. Edgar Ebojo of United Bible Societies

    Dr. Paul Kimbi of Wycliffe Global Alliance

    Angeline Foo of SIL International

  • Proceedings

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